E2zero® Roofing Underlayment Membrane
Water resistive roofing underlayment membrane. Keeping the roof structure dry both during and after construction.
The E2ZERO Roofing Underlayment Membrane combines the best properties of a weather resistive membrane and an air barrier in one innovative, affordable product.
The barrier keeps the roof structure dry, both during and after construction and hence avoids moisture related structural damages, mold, mildew and rot.
The membrane is also available with integrated adhesive sealing tapes.
- Water resistive and wind tight barrier to protect the roof structure from wind-driven rain and bulk water intrusion.
- Highly vapor-permeable, breathable membrane layer.
- Anti-slip surface.
- Durable and light-weight.
- Sustainable and
- Lightweight and easy to install.
- Anti-glare surface.
- Contributes to LEED points.
Data Sheet
The E2ZERO Roof Underlayment Membrane is directly applied on the substructure (OSB, plywood, etc.) and is mechanically fastened with staples (tacker) or wide-head nails. Membrane overlap must be approx. 4´´ (100 mm). All membrane overlaps and joints to adjacent structural components must be sealed with suitable E2zero tapes to guarantee a seamless weather barrier. Pipes or cables penetrating the membrane should be sealed with E2zero products.
The optionally integrated self-adhesive tape functions solely as a sealant and should not be used as a load-bearing connector. For a permanent connection, the substrates should be firm/taut, dry, smooth, and free of dust, sawdust, silicone and grease. Do not adhere to frozen surfaces. Surfaces must be suitable for permanent bonding. If in doubt, an adhesion test is recommended to verify proper performance and durability of the bond. The greater the pressure applied, the better the performance.
Note: Always confirm compliance with local building requirements prior to installation.
Complementing E2zero® Components

E2zero® 18 mil Radon & Vapor Barrier
Superior protection against soil gases (radon, methane) and water vapor diffusion. Optional: integrated self-adhesive tapes.

E2zero® 14 mil Radon & Vapor Barrier
Superior protection against soil gases (radon, methane) and water vapor diffusion. Optional: integrated self-adhesive tapes.

E2zero® 8 mil Laminate
Effective moisture sealing barrier for existing crawlspaces or under-slab constructions.

E2zero® 6 mil Laminate
Effective moisture sealing barrier for existing crawlspaces or under-slab constructions.